Customer Feedback - SOTC Holidays

Dear Sir / Madam,

Thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve you on an SOTC Holiday. We request you to please spare a few moments of your time and share your experience with us. Your feedback will go a long way in helping us improve our services to serve you better. Looking forward to having your holiday with us again.

Thank you,
Head Customer Care
SOTC Travel Ltd.

Personal Details

Tour Details

How did you come to know about SOTC? (tick all applicable)

Services before going on your Holiday

Accessibility of toll free / branch telephone number
Overall knowledge and explanation by the sales staff
Periodic update prior to departure
Documentation and visa process

Services on Holiday

Overall quality and facility of the hotels
Quality of restaurant used
Quality of Indian meals served
Quality of Coaches/transport used
Quality of sightseeing / attractions
Quality of local guides (If applicable)

Services of SOTC Tour Manager (if applicable)

Grooming (in Uniform or not)
Tour briefing - clarity of speech / knowledge of destination
Problem solving capability on tour

Overall rating of your Holiday experience

Would you recommend us for a Holiday to your friends / relatives?
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